Basically i have a mental health key worker…like i guess a therapist… under the NHS free services CAMHS and i guess shes okay and alright however recently i swapped from face to face sessions to virtual sessions due to my life difficulties and housing situations…
And online for the past 2 weeks.. I’ve noticed how our sessions are significantly smaller in length…for example my sessions usually were from 55 minutes to an hour….approximately…with this therapist because that is the usual time… and even with my old key worker it was always roughly an over sometimes we ran over as she loved to talk…a lot … but for the past two weeks my virtual sessions are much smaller like say 48 minutes, and then this weeks was 37 minutes ….
I don’t know what to do…i kind of want to ask jer but don’t know how to ask without it being awkward and weird because i usually dont speak about small things that i don’t necessarily like…i just keep it to myself and overthink it again and again..