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should I get my English language remarked i was 8 marks off a 6

i got my GCSE results yesterday and got 8s and 7s but in my English language and lit for some reason I did badly and didn't get the grades I needed to study certain courses I got an 84 in English language a 5 was 82 and a 6 is 92 should I pay to get it remarked the money doesn't matter its just that my grade might go down
Reply 1
Original post by wardahm
i got my GCSE results yesterday and got 8s and 7s but in my English language and lit for some reason I did badly and didn't get the grades I needed to study certain courses I got an 84 in English language a 5 was 82 and a 6 is 92 should I pay to get it remarked the money doesn't matter its just that my grade might go down

Normally I leave it up to a student/parent to decide after giving them the stats for remarks. But in this case I strongly advise you not to request a remark.

The average mark change for English lit/lang after a remark is 0.5-1 marks up or down. So moving up by 8 marks is almost certainly not going to happen. Going down by 3 marks is also unlikely but not out of the question.
Original post by wardahm
i got my GCSE results yesterday and got 8s and 7s but in my English language and lit for some reason I did badly and didn't get the grades I needed to study certain courses I got an 84 in English language a 5 was 82 and a 6 is 92 should I pay to get it remarked the money doesn't matter its just that my grade might go down

Unless you were surely getting nearly 100% in all your previous exams and you suddenly got a 6 I highly advise not getting a remark. Even so, I would suggest talking to your English teacher about it before going for a remark. In your case it's way more likely that your marks will go down by 3 than go up by 8 marks. Usually successful remarks are extremely close to the grade boundary ie less than 3 marks to the next grade. So no, there is a higher chance you will end up with a 4 than a 6.
Reply 3
If your exam board is cie do it as they don’t lower your grade even if you do actually lose marks and fall a grade boundary, any other exam board don’t unless this is a big anomaly for you

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