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What should I choose Bhasvic or Varndean (College)

I’m planning to take Art Physics and Law for college to hopefully get to go into architecture in the future or law if fail but I would like to know the pros and cons on both colleges all I got so far in taster days is that bhasvic seems more npc and dull while varndean is more calm and lively and feels like a college so any ideas?
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Original post by Zenny67
I’m planning to take Art Physics and Law for college to hopefully get to go into architecture in the future or law if fail but I would like to know the pros and cons on both colleges all I got so far in taster days is that bhasvic seems more npc and dull while varndean is more calm and lively and feels like a college so any ideas?

Heya, I’m starting at BHASVIC in a couple weeks. I’ve heard from friends in Yr12 and 13 that Varndean is way more suitable if you are taking more creative subjects. I would say at BHASVIC they focus on independence where-as they nurture you a bit more at Varndean. It’s all about what feels right for you and if you think you’d fit in there. Hope this helps :smile:

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