Is anyone else going into their first year of university as a mature student feeling anxious about being surrounded by teenagers?
I'm 24 but I look very young (I get IDed for PARACETAMOL regularly!) And I'm starting to feel quite nervous about being in a setting that's mostly young adults who haven't quite left school behind yet. I know university is very different to school and I'm otherwise excited for my course, but I was picked on quite badly at secondary school and again at college, I dropped out because of it. I'm really worried that I'm going to be read as a teenager by other students and treated accordingly. These are anxieties that I thought I'd long since left behind, but I'm now in a position where these nerves are opening old wounds I had forgotten existed.
The whole idea of being surrounded by young adults who are stepping into independent life for the first time fills me with a fair amount of dread, they're just learning how to be an adult and their behaviour usually reflects that (I know mine did)
I cant be alone in this, can I? I've paid bills for longer than most of them will have been out of primary school!! I have no intention of sharing social space with any of them unless I happen to click with someone on my course, outside of the mature student soc and the Christian soc I won't go to events, but I'm just stressed about being in the corridors and study spaces with freedom fueled 18 year olds!
How have other mature students coped with being an adult in a setting full of young people? Am I being ridiculous getting so worked up over this? Help!!