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Older man

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Original post by Anonymous
This is going to sound really weird but I have a crush on my optometrist.

Original post by Anonymous
He's not directly my optometrist though.

Weird how these details keep changing.
Original post by Anonymous
Also I dont want to be in a serious relationship with him or anything, I just want to hookup

All covered in reply #3. No point asking for advice if you're not going to read it.
Original post by Admit-One
Weird how these details keep changing.
All covered in reply #3. No point asking for advice if you're not going to read it.

I made a mistake in my first post. I meant that works at my opticians. No one is allocated any specific person. Please can you repost your #3, I might accidentally have scrolled passed it..
Reply 22
Original post by Anonymous
I made a mistake in my first post. I meant that works at my opticians. No one is allocated any specific person. Please can you repost your #3, I might accidentally have scrolled passed it..

You can go back to the previous page and read it!

This is why it is 'questionable' and you haven't answered why you are so hung up on having a hook-up, and with someone about whom you know virtually nothing:,-partnership-and-teamwork/maintaining-boundaries#Formerpatients
Reply 23
Original post by Anonymous
Why would it be questionable if he was interested? We are both legally consenting adults - I really don't see whats wrong with this. Theres no other platform for me to message him on - I thought LinkedIn would be the most professional and indirect way of communicating as opposed to something more private or friendly like instagram. Well there is no straightforward alternative in my life at the moment - I don't really want to take chances not to try something if you know what I mean

Well, because he might not want to behave unprofessionally, because he could have a partner, because the age gap could be inappropriate for him or because he doesn’t fancy you. Anyway since your not receptive to the advice being offered, why not just give it a go
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Original post by Anonymous

Do you understand the fundamentals of what it takes for you as a woman (presumably?) to be attractive to men?

Have you done any research on this?
By reading, for example Argov's Why Men Love *****es?
Or watching certain leading dating coach youtube channels?

Just because you're attracted to a given man, doesn't mean to say he's going to be attracted to you.
There are things you can do to maximise your chances. It would make sense for you to find out what they are and then to proceed from there.

What you'll probably find, is that even after equipping yourself with all the theory, you still make plenty of mistakes in practise. That's OK it's all part of the learning process and your journey in life. We all have to start somewhere.

A key thing that will make you more attractive to men is if you're discerning. So that the man feels that you are judging / testing / evaluating him to see if he's good enough for you.
So go ahead and evaluate Mr Specsavers. And do so in the context of all the other men in the world you could have.

Another thing that will make you more attractive is the abundance mindset. Instead of having a scarcity mindset.
Original post by Surnia
You can go back to the previous page and read it!
This is why it is 'questionable' and you haven't answered why you are so hung up on having a hook-up, and with someone about whom you know virtually nothing:,-partnership-and-teamwork/maintaining-boundaries#Formerpatients

I cant find the #3 response! Im not hung up on it, I'm just attracted to him and I want to sleep with him. I don't get why that's such a big ask or problem. People typically don't know much about their hookup partners anyway so whats the difference in this case?

How do you know that the specific link you've attached even applies to him?
Original post by Zarek
Well, because he might not want to behave unprofessionally, because he could have a partner, because the age gap could be inappropriate for him or because he doesn’t fancy you. Anyway since your not receptive to the advice being offered, why not just give it a go

I don't get how that would be classed as him behaving unprofessionally if I'm not his direct patient! The only way I'd find out if hes interested, has a partner or is concerned about the age gap would be to contact him directly. I really don't see what could happen that would be so bad if I messaged him. It's not like I would get arrested or anything like that.
Original post by Dunnig Kruger
Do you understand the fundamentals of what it takes for you as a woman (presumably?) to be attractive to men?
Have you done any research on this?
By reading, for example Argov's Why Men Love *****es?
Or watching certain leading dating coach youtube channels?
Just because you're attracted to a given man, doesn't mean to say he's going to be attracted to you.
There are things you can do to maximise your chances. It would make sense for you to find out what they are and then to proceed from there.
What you'll probably find, is that even after equipping yourself with all the theory, you still make plenty of mistakes in practise. That's OK it's all part of the learning process and your journey in life. We all have to start somewhere.
A key thing that will make you more attractive to men is if you're discerning. So that the man feels that you are judging / testing / evaluating him to see if he's good enough for you.
So go ahead and evaluate Mr Specsavers. And do so in the context of all the other men in the world you could have.
Another thing that will make you more attractive is the abundance mindset. Instead of having a scarcity mindset.

I don't understand what you mean. I'll pm you - then you can explain in more detail?
Reply 28
Original post by Anonymous
I don't get how that would be classed as him behaving unprofessionally if I'm not his direct patient! The only way I'd find out if hes interested, has a partner or is concerned about the age gap would be to contact him directly. I really don't see what could happen that would be so bad if I messaged him. It's not like I would get arrested or anything like that.
I suppose you have a point if you’ve had no clinical involvement. However using LinkedIn for dating purposes is bad form. Can’t see it working out to be honest, but let us know how you get on
Original post by Zarek
Well, because he might not want to behave unprofessionally, because he could have a partner, because the age gap could be inappropriate for him or because he doesn’t fancy you. Anyway since your not receptive to the advice being offered, why not just give it a go

Also forgot to add; when I message him and if lets say he doesn't get back to be I would obviously understand that and not pursue contacting him again. I wouldn't persist.

I just dont see how me contacting him is any different to me contacting an ex teacher from secondary school etc. Like were both adults so why does it matter so much?
Reply 30
Original post by Anonymous
Also forgot to add; when I message him and if lets say he doesn't get back to be I would obviously understand that and not pursue contacting him again. I wouldn't persist.
I just dont see how me contacting him is any different to me contacting an ex teacher from secondary school etc. Like were both adults so why does it matter so much?

It matters because his profession has rules to stop inappropriate relationships, which includes current and former patients.

Are you working or do you have a career in mind? You may find rules apply to you in future; will you be so blasé then?
Original post by Zarek
I suppose you have a point if you’ve had no clinical involvement. However using LinkedIn for dating purposes is bad form. Can’t see it working out to be honest, but let us know how you get on

Yeah we have had no clinical involvement. Im not sure where else to contact him other than Linked In
Original post by Anonymous
This is going to sound really weird but I have a crush on my optometrist. He's a lot older than me - not sure how old but maybe early/ late 30s and I really want to hook up with him but the problem is I'm 18 - I know I'm legal but I'm a virgin and I'm quite younger than him. I've seen him around in my area quite a few times and he's always been alone but I've always been with my family/ someone else whenever I see him!! Neither of us acknowledge each others presence when we have seen each other out of the optometry because obviously I've been with my family. I went on my optometry website and found list of staff and his name came up. I was thinking of contacting him through linked in or something but I'm not sure if that's weird - I only said LinkedIn because it's seen as more professional!
What should I do?

I mean if you truly like him do it! Age is just a number ( 18 plus) so if you really like him start a conversation and see where it goes!
So, did you start the initial message?
There are millions, if not billions, of people in the world that you could reach out to, hook up with, and have a mega-high body count.
What about this guy in particular that singles him out as your 'number 1' out of, say, guys in your school/college? Guys in your workplace/town/city? Guys in your social networks, friends of friends, holiday strangers?

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