I have just finished my GCSEs and got my results back on Thursday. Before getting back my results I was planning to do History (Grade 8) Economics (Maths 6) and Politics, but I am considering changing econ for English Lit.
At GCSE English was definitely not my favourite subject as I never thought I was that good at it, however going from a 6 to a 9 and a 5 to an 8 has given me the confidence I needed to take it for A-level. I am worried that if I take it I may regret it as it hasn’t been one of my most favourable subjects in GCSE, however now I have more confidence to know I can do it then I feel as though I can enjoy it. Does anyone have any past experience from taking an a-level at a sort of gamble that they can share please?
I would like to follow a career into the law industry or into working in part of government, so I think that a Lit a-level would be more suited than an Econ a-level, but please share advice on this too.
I am also interested in anyone that has taken these three a-levels and can share how strenuous the work load is for these three compared to other a-levels, I am aware Lit is very time consuming and I want to make the best decision possible to make my life a lot easier in the future.
I have been interested in economics as I feel having that knowledge is very important, and I find the subject very interesting. I got the maths grade I needed to take it, but I am worried the maths parts of things will make me enjoy it less as I do not enjoy maths too much.
Any advice and tips on any of this is much appreciated!