On results day this year I got mainly 8’s in everything with one 9 in an irrelevant subject and a 7 in maths. I would want to do physics at Oxford. I am a very capable mathematician meaning I can still do further maths a-level at sixth-form. In past papers under exam conditions I was consistently getting 8’s or close to 9’s. The stress of the exam often made me preform worse though, with me even getting 6’s when I’m the exam hall sometimes. I was expecting an 8 on results day but was particularly anxious during the exams paper one and two making me loose marks on grade 3/4 topics through misreading the question or missing a part A.
I have been very disappointed in this grade, especially as I knew I had the ability to do higher, is it worth the resit in November? I’m doing maths, further maths, physics and classics a-level.
I was also predicted a 9 in physics but night before the exam and morning I had a high fever and was genuinely quite unwell which threw me off obviously but I think it’s less relevant.
I know these are excuses but want to know how impactful this 7 in maths rather than an 8 will really be.