The Student Room Group

applying master's course at US from UK

I am looking at cs related master's course in uk and us, i am currently studying cs in uk and i think the best i can get with my current grades is 1:1(30%change), i am looking at UCL, KCL, Imperial and Edinburgh university.
Can anyone share their experience and application background like how hard is to get into UCL(favourite) or any of the unis i mentioned, I wanna kind of compare myself.
Are there any interviews needed?
I was very good at college,I got all A* in Maths, Chemistry and Physics, but in uni I kind of get a bit off track, I am trying to rewind this.
My parents really want me to apply for US unis and i found it quite exciting too because I've never been to there, can someone advise some good uni that might consider my grades I mentioned above.
What are the application process for US unis?I just go to their website and apply?

Thank youuuu, I have to be honest I am quite lost here.

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