The Student Room Group

People picking on me

So I was at Sainsbury's and I got something from the bakery, when I went to ay there was a line already at the main checkout so I went to the self checkout. When I went there there was no line and I was trying to find the thing I bought in the options and I didn't want to pay the wrong amount.
Then there was a women behind me she goes "don't worry guys I'm not rushing to work or anything" and the guy next to me goes this lady (me) has been there longer and then the girl goes "no, i know".

The thing is I've also been referred from my doctor to neurology for a problem, but I don't even think I was there that long, like 3 mins at most.

But i feel like if she is rushing she should be leaving earlier and that guy was just a *****
idk, the situation just made me want to cry and never go shopping alone again
Yes and no, rude for them to say so and yeah her own fault for being late, but 3 mins is a long time to sit and wait for someone to use a self checkout. (I always find baked/uncoded goods a confusing pain tbh)
(edited 5 months ago)
Meh. You’ll find impatient people say throwaway stuff all the time whilst shopping.

You’ll never see these people again.
Reply 3
It’s rude impatient behaviour, ignore it and don’t worry

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