Last two weeks i've suffered facial flushing on both my cheeks, it usually begins between 10 and 10:30am EVERY DAY, nothing I am doing at that time other than being on my break at work, and i tried the other day not eating and drinking anything during that time to rule that out. I work in a supermarket and spend a lot of time in the chiller so thought it could be an impact of that, but its also coming on later during the day such as during exercise or when I'm nervous. I'm not sure about rosacea as people say its itchy, or is spots, there's no spots and its not itchy, the left cheek burns very slightly but not painful or anything like that. it takes a few hours to go after work, other times it goes quite quickly. my cheeks have always been a little bit red. it started halfway through a course of antibiotics so thought it was an allergy or side effect but i've finished them for like a week now