The Student Room Group

BTEC student- clearing

Hello, I’m a BTEC double business and IT student and i recieved BBC. Im currently looking to apply at kingston for computer science in clearing. If i graduate with a first, could i potentially get into a russel group university for my masters. Specifically UCL and oxford or any other russel group unis? Thank you
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Original post by AHAWA
Hello, I’m a BTEC double business and IT student and i recieved BBC. Im currently looking to apply at kingston for computer science in clearing. If i graduate with a first, could i potentially get into a russel group university for my masters. Specifically UCL and oxford or any other russel group unis? Thank you

I'm not sure about oxford but I think you will have a chance at ucl im sure if you applied to the smaller Russel groups you will definitely get in especially if you graduate with a first

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