The Student Room Group

What career can i go into with psychology, chemistry and philosophy a levels?

I was wondering if I could go into the medical field (maybe something to do with pyscology??)
(edited 2 months ago)
Original post by Louvoilite
I was wondering whether it would be possible for me to go into clinical psychology?

To become a clinical psychologist you would need a BPS accredited degree in psychology and usually, some clinical experience after that. This can be acquired through AP (assistant psychologist) posts, for example. The process is a little more complex than this but essentially, you would want to be looking at psychology degrees. For most universities, psychology A level alone is enough, but for more competitive universities (e.g. UCL), another science or science related subject would be required, which chemistry falls under. There are a range of careers in mental health available, such as becoming a CBT therapist, psychotherapist or PWP. If you are interested in psychiatry, you would have to study medicine first. Taking chemistry A level would allow you to apply to medical schools for undergraduate entry that only require chemistry and/or another science related subject (psychology), such as Lancaster.
Original post by Louvoilite
I was wondering whether it would be possible for me to go into clinical psychology?

Hi there,

You've already had a great reply by @bibachu! I just wanted to link some resources that might help you:

The Student Room - what can you do with your A Levels?

Prospects - what can you do with your degree?

I also found quite a few resources detailing the routes you can take to clinical psychology with a quick search.

I hope this helps,

Geography with a Year Abroad Student
Reply 3
Clinical Psychology is a hard slog, and there are not actually that many opportunities for graduates.
Most Psych grads end up working in other career areas.
Clinical psychologist job profile |

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