I got my GCSE Results this summer and I did 11 and got 99999988877 (6 9s, 3 8s and 2 7s). My 7s were in English Language and History, both of which I am taking at A Level alongside Politics and Spanish (I got a 9 in Spanish). However, at uni, I'd like to study history and spanish and I was wondering how much the 7 in history will affect that when applying for oxbridge. I think I'm going to retake english language this november and try for a higher grade but i don't want history as the only 7 to look worse. Is retaking history worth it because it's so much content and i don't know if i can deal with that alongside a levels? or are my grades not good enough for oxbridge either way?
(also i kinda regret choosing eng lang and politics for a level so is there any other good options that fit well that anyone recommends?)