The Student Room Group

forensic science undergraduate

I'm applying for uni this year. Can anyone studying forensic science tell me what is it about exactly? & Do I have to study psychology first?
Should tell you on the open uni website
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
I'm applying for uni this year. Can anyone studying forensic science tell me what is it about exactly? & Do I have to study psychology first?

i am a 2nd year forensic science student at northumbria university. in first year it was very much the basics of analytical bio and chem! no psychology needed as it doesnt play into forensic science at all unless you study forensic psychology.
Original post by Anonymous
I'm applying for uni this year. Can anyone studying forensic science tell me what is it about exactly? & Do I have to study psychology first?

Hi may I ask what alevel or equivalents did you do as I’m interested in forensics but kinda want to avoid chem

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