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Is an AS level in FM looked at Imperial Computing?

I am taking Maths, Physics, Music Technology A Levels and an AS in Further Maths (picking it up this year without having learnt year 2 content from regular A-Level yet). All of these are at A* predicted (A in FM AS). I am just wondering however if Imperial take into consideration AS levels as part of their offer system? I am also wondering how much of a disadvantage I will be at since I have not taken the full Further Maths A-Level. This is for applying to Computing. Thanks.
Reply 1
Original post by vxcvzxcvzx
I am taking Maths, Physics, Music Technology A Levels and an AS in Further Maths (picking it up this year without having learnt year 2 content from regular A-Level yet). All of these are at A* predicted (A in FM AS). I am just wondering however if Imperial take into consideration AS levels as part of their offer system? I am also wondering how much of a disadvantage I will be at since I have not taken the full Further Maths A-Level. This is for applying to Computing. Thanks.

does your school offer the A-Level in Further Maths? if they do offer it and you didn't take it, you might be at a slight disadvantage. however, you are doing AS Further Maths, and if you mention somewhere on your teacher reference that you only decided late that you wanted to apply for CS (and hence picked up AS Further Maths) it will probably be fine. your TMUA score will be important to demonstrate your mathematical ability
Reply 2
Original post by aranon
does your school offer the A-Level in Further Maths? if they do offer it and you didn't take it, you might be at a slight disadvantage. however, you are doing AS Further Maths, and if you mention somewhere on your teacher reference that you only decided late that you wanted to apply for CS (and hence picked up AS Further Maths) it will probably be fine. your TMUA score will be important to demonstrate your mathematical ability

Yes, great thanks. Annoyingly I just didn't realise how important FM is until a few months ago.
Reply 3
Original post by vxcvzxcvzx
Yes, great thanks. Annoyingly I just didn't realise how important FM is until a few months ago.

it's fine, it won't put you at a big disadvantage, just make sure to smash your TMUA and have a solid personal statement
Reply 4
Original post by aranon
it's fine, it won't put you at a big disadvantage, just make sure to smash your TMUA and have a solid personal statement

Do you know out of 40 marks would be considered high for TMUA (40/40 would be great, but realistically what is the "above average" mark?)
Reply 5
Original post by vxcvzxcvzx
Do you know out of 40 marks would be considered high for TMUA (40/40 would be great, but realistically what is the "above average" mark?)

you can look at admission statistics, i think for cambridge CS the average offer holder score is about 7.5 (this could be wrong, there's a website called whatdotheyknow that you can confirm this).
since this is the first year imperial are using the TMUA, there aren't any figures for this, but i'd assume you would need a similar score to cambridge

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