The Student Room Group

Does resitting my A-levels count as a deferred entry?

I wasn't successful in getting into my uni and the options for clearing weren't too great with my grades hence I decided to redo year 13 and retake my A levels.
What I was wondering and this might be a silly question, but I noticed some unis don't accept a deferred entry, I'm planning to reapply with a new UCAS application and as I said before I plan to resit my A levels because I know I can do better. Does redoing year 13 and resitting my A levels count as a deferred entry?

Thank you x
Reply 1
No. A deferred entry would be for example if you had been offered a place to study this year and asked not to take it up until 2025 or applied in 2024/25 but seeking admission not in 2025 but in September 2026.

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