Do all your homework! If youre stuck ask your teacher well before the deadline to help and where possible ask for some feedback on what you did from them once you’ve finished.
When you dont understand something in class go home and fix that. If you dont get something then watch a video on it or google it, just dont let knowledge gaps open up and swallow up all the new content that builds on that concept.
For Maths and spelling practice as much as you can. Corbett maths 5 a day is great for maths and can be done for a variety of different levels of ability so id recommend checking that out. For spelling look up lists of spelling words and test yourself or get an app or something and practice daily.
Make revision resources/ find them throughout the year because youll need to know how to revise when you get to mocks. It’s not like in ks3 where you can learn something, read over your notes and not really understand before a test then forget it forever and still get an alright grade. You need to know all the content to that grade standard, not just one topic now.
Last reply 1 week ago
I need advice to revise for my GCSE's and mocksLast reply 1 week ago
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