I’ve been talking to this girl for a year now and during that year I’ve asked her to marry me because even talking to a girl is still haram even if you have good intentions, never touched or did anything haram, my parents know who she is and knew that I wanted to be engaged with her, we went to her parents house and it didn’t end well… her mom ended up blocking my mom.
We’re still young and we decided to wait until we got our lifes together, im 20 and shes 18, she rly insists that we both get our life together for the sake of our future together so we don’t rely on anyone. She asked me to wait at least 5 years! Maybe more until i got my life together. What do i do? I really do love her and I am willing to wait for her, the reasons why 5 years wait is because we want to do it in a halal way where we don’t talk as much during these years otherwise id we do and still go out and see eachother there will be no barakah.
She pushes me to do good things in my life, she made me pray 5 times a day she gave ne the courage to strengthen my deen for myself and think about God first. I understand she’s young and wants to get her life in order. The day before yesterday I met her for the last time, it breaks my heart but it has to be done for the sake of Allah.
I really do want to marry her, 5 years is a long time to get my life in order in sha Allah but what do I do about zina, that’s one of the reasons why I wanted to marry her but that’s not the only reason, I wanted to make it halal and I genuinely care for her.
I’ll wait for 5 years I’ll have to overcome my Lustful thoughts.
What do you think I should do? I’m so lost please help me
Has anyone went through a similar situation