The Student Room Group

Personal statement when one subject is different (Law with business vs law)

I plan to apply to just law at four universities, and law with business at Exeter. Will it be okay if my personal statement does not mention business, instead focusing solely on law? I don't want to be disadvantaged for the other four, but I also would ideally like to get into Exeter too (it is my only safety as I really love the university and course) so it's a hard one!
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Original post by lawofducks123
I plan to apply to just law at four universities, and law with business at Exeter. Will it be okay if my personal statement does not mention business, instead focusing solely on law? I don't want to be disadvantaged for the other four, but I also would ideally like to get into Exeter too (it is my only safety as I really love the university and course) so it's a hard one!

Having a similar problem with different subjects, aeronautical engineering and astrophysics. The truth is it depends on the universities you want into. It is worth asking at an open day if they would be bothered greatly by this. I’m hoping to go to Glasgow for example and they said to jsut focus it on engineering as they don’t really bother too much about personal statements but that others such as Edinburgh do so I should focus it to that one. But since it’s law with business law is still the main factor you could add a small section for business if you want but I don’t think it will cause you any problems

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