The Student Room Group


How hard is it to get a job a Tesco
Gone for lots of jobs
But all getting rejected
Original post by middle-income
How hard is it to get a job a Tesco
Gone for lots of jobs
But all getting rejected

Not exactly easy. How well connected are you with people who work in Tesco's?
Reply 2
Original post by middle-income
How hard is it to get a job a Tesco
Gone for lots of jobs
But all getting rejected

I just got rejected this morning before the for the role I applied to. It seems impossible to get in if unless you answer yes to one of the survey questions it offers you after the application on equality. I didn’t even get a interview despite the store manager referring me for the job. It looks like I’m just going to have to make do with a Xmas temp role or hand in my CV to the local sweetie shop (who I do have a good relationship with the owner in so maybe) as there is nothing else going anywhere else locally right now.

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