The Student Room Group

Gesdap 2024

Hi, I have been accepted onto the Apprenticeship scheme. I have been told the week at Kent is between 2-6th September, However, I have had no information at all, other than I am to travel on Sunday. Has everyone had their information yet from the University?
Original post by Tiffany12784
Hi, I have been accepted onto the Apprenticeship scheme. I have been told the week at Kent is between 2-6th September, However, I have had no information at all, other than I am to travel on Sunday. Has everyone had their information yet from the University?

Hi @Tiffany12784,

I hope you're keeping well. 🙂

Very sorry about the lack of information, you should hopefully receive a bit more information regarding the week soon.

In the meantime though, it might not be a bad idea to message the Academic lead for the Government Economic Service here at the university, to help explain the situation to you, whose contact details can be found here. He'll get back to you as soon as possible, just mention that you're a starting DAP student, explain your situation, and he'll be more than happy to help you out!
Secondly, it would also be good to message our accommodation department, again, brifly explain your situation, and have them explain to you in which building you'll be accommodated. You can find their contact details here.

If you have any more questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask! We're here to help.

Warm regards,

David 🙂
University of Kent Student Rep

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