So I know I’ve already posted my last mock results on here but im just going to put them again on this and basically update it eg, after mocks when I’ve been doing revision to show how I’ve been dealing with the stress, revision and hopefully achieve any help with it. So at the moment, im going to put my target grade and then my mock grade:
Biology: 7 / 8
Chemistry: 7/7
Computer Science: 6/6
English language: 6/6
English literature: 7/5
Geography: 7/6
German: 6/7
Maths: 7/7
Physics: 7/7
So im currently sitting basically straight on target for most of my grades at the moment im struggling by far the most with English and geography. I think it’s because they’re more writing based and im far better in the maths and sciences side of school work. I’m hoping to improve and by the end of it get as many 9s as possible, so I felt like starting one of these would help me with the motivation to carry on. I’m wanting to take maths, chemistry, biology, and take further maths for the first year and possible drop it after the second. Because despite my mock results maths is definitely my strongest subject and im 100% sure I can get a 9 in it I just made some silly mistakes and didn’t revise enough for any of my mocks but now im putting my head down and focusing on this, so I’ll keep updating this!! any tips or criticism would be appreciated