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Failed 2nd Year Dietetics and Nutrition- Full-Time Funding Options

My Background: I studied Network Systems engineering BSc. But dropped out after the 1st year.
Then, I started Human Nutrition BSc Including Foundation Year.
I completed the foundation year, then progressed onto the Dietetics and Nutrition BSc 1st year (that's how it works at London Met Uni, if you don't have the required grades; as there is no specific 'dietetics with foundation year course').
I then progressed onto and completed the 2nd year of the Dietetics and Nutrition BSc. But I failed this.
The Uni has said that I'd be retaking the failed modules again this year. But i'm not sure I want to.

My Question: Would I be eligible for Full-time maintenance and tuition fee loans if I decided to go back to the Human Nutrition BSc but starting in the 2nd Year.
If not, would I be eligible for Full-time maintenance and tuition fee loans for a repeat of the 2nd year on the Dietetics and Nutrition BSc ?
Original post by mrcar88
My Background: I studied Network Systems engineering BSc. But dropped out after the 1st year.
Then, I started Human Nutrition BSc Including Foundation Year.
I completed the foundation year, then progressed onto the Dietetics and Nutrition BSc 1st year (that's how it works at London Met Uni, if you don't have the required grades; as there is no specific 'dietetics with foundation year course').
I then progressed onto and completed the 2nd year of the Dietetics and Nutrition BSc. But I failed this.
The Uni has said that I'd be retaking the failed modules again this year. But i'm not sure I want to.
My Question: Would I be eligible for Full-time maintenance and tuition fee loans if I decided to go back to the Human Nutrition BSc but starting in the 2nd Year.
If not, would I be eligible for Full-time maintenance and tuition fee loans for a repeat of the 2nd year on the Dietetics and Nutrition BSc ?

Hi there,

Based on what you've said, it sounds like you have 3 years of previous study in total, is that right?

Thanks, Graeme
Reply 2
No, 4 Years of previous study, if you count the foundation Year.
Original post by mrcar88
No, 4 Years of previous study, if you count the foundation Year.

Okay, thanks - based on this you won't be entitled to a Tuition Fee Loan for the Human Nutrition course due to your previous study. Though, you can potentially get additional years of funding if you have Compelling Personal Reasons (CPR) for not completing the previous courses:

However, there are some Dietetics and Nutrition courses that are exceptions: this means we won't take your previous study into account at all.

What university is offering this course, do you know?

Thanks, Graeme
Reply 4
But Nutrition BSc studied Part time would be eligible for full tuition fee and maintenance loan funding, right?
I've had 2 years part time degree funding already ( one foundation year and one 1st year study).
Original post by mrcar88
But Nutrition BSc studied Part time would be eligible for full tuition fee and maintenance loan funding, right?
I've had 2 years part time degree funding already ( one foundation year and one 1st year study).


In your original message you stated it was Full Time for both the courses. Can you please confirm your full previous study (stating which was full time and which is part time) and confirm what 2 courses you're looking to do? Also state these as full time/part time and the year of entry.


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