It’s nearing the end of August (when Queens college said they’d email) and I’m wondering if I should be giving up hope. Anyone who did submit, what did you do your essays on?
If they said end of August you still have two whole days )
Hey, I submitted an answer to Q1 (The one on Edward Thomas’ ‘The Mill-Pond’). What about you? I haven’t heard back yet either - Queen’s haven’t announced the winner on their social media but I think that if we were going to hear anything we already would have xx
Hey, I submitted an answer to Q1 (The one on Edward Thomas’ ‘The Mill-Pond’). What about you? I haven’t heard back yet either - Queen’s haven’t announced the winner on their social media but I think that if we were going to hear anything we already would have xx
I answered Q3! The one centred on poetry about animals.
Hi, I also submitted for Q2, but I haven't heard anything or seen any winner's announced. I assume this means I haven't won but I was wondering if anyone else had heard somethign? I'm curious who did win