I'm not going to term this in any language or label. But the more you feel you are a victim the more sensitised you will be to any comment or action from any person. You will end up looking for meaning to support your own view of the world that people hate you or do things which you perceive as against you.
The general advice is to stop looking for it and get out there and take time to talk to others. Talk to everybody. You have prejudices just the same as other people have theirs. So the best way to gain new friends and be involved with enjoyable things is to get to know other people. Most people are welcoming, want to share, want to involve you in their day. If you exclude others it is a sure way to finding people soon worry about what to say or how to deal with that. Because it doesn't feel right.
Be careful about becoming paranoid and generalising that 'all' people are like that or 'everyone' does 'stuff' just because they are from a certain place or have certain views.
There are many A-holes in this world. It doesn't need a nation or religious label to describe their actions. Avoid them and look for those warm hearted genuine people who will accept you for who you are. But that works both ways.