The Student Room Group

Check-In at Badock Hall

Hello, I have made a reservation for a check-in in Badock Hall (one of the University of Bristol accomodations), but I arrive at Bristol the previous day and I was wondering whether it would be possible to still check-in that day so I can stay the night there.
Does anyone know if that is possible without a reservation if you arrive before 5:30p.m.?
Thank you very much.
(edited 5 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by Iv_Iffa
Hello, I have made a reservation for a check-in in Badock Hall (one of the University of Bristol accomodations), but I arrive at Bristol the previous day and I was wondering whether it would be possible to still check-in that day so I can stay the night there.
Does anyone know if that is possible without a reservation if you arrive before 5:30p.m.?
Thank you very much.

So you've made a reservation for a specific date but now you want to arrive a day earlier?

It would be best to contact the hall, I think. It shouldn't be an issue, I wouldn't have thought, to turn up a bit earlier or a bit later than planned on the same day, but turning up on a different day without speaking to them first is a little unfair.

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