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Need help with A-Level choices. Biology, Psychology, Economics

After achieving 99999999887 in my GCSEs, I was thinking medicine would be a good route to pursue, and I had the intention of choosing Biology, Psychology and Chemistry as my A-Level choices this September after long consideration during the summer.
I had my sixth form enrolment day recently and they confirmed that I have places in both the Biology and Psychology course (which I had applied for when applying for the sixth form), but I was put on the waiting list for Chemistry, which I did not originally choose - I only decided to go for Chem after surprising myself with a 9 on results day. Instead, I was put down for Economics which I originally applied for (because I thought I enjoyed the subject having studied it at GCSEs, turns out to be a bit dry when it comes to macroeconomics tbh). Despite me being on the waiting list for Chemistry, by the sounds of it, it's highly unlikely I will actually be able to study it and my A-Level combination will most likely be Bio, Psych and Econ. Obviously studying medicine will be out of question now, but I want to know more about future career choices with these mismatched subjects. I was hoping perhaps neuroscience or psychology but I still wish I could do med :frown:
Does anyone else do this 'interesting' (as one teacher at the sixth form put it) combination? What degrees are available for Bio, Psych and Econ A-Levels? Would you suggest any other subjects to take besides Economics?
Any help is much appreciated!!
Medicine isnt out of the question at all, there are almost 20 med schools in the uk where chemistry is not required for entry. Have a look through the med courses on as they have a page on all the entry requirements for each school.
As for suggestions for other subjects, maths would work well- but only take it if you like it.
(edited 2 months ago)

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