The Student Room Group

My teachers lied about moving me up a set and this could potentially ruin my future.

So iam starting year 11 as of i currently speak and

my maths and biology teacher said I was going to move up (maths moved to set 3)

(Science moved up to higher) But when I checked my new timetable for year 11 it

Said the exact same set but with a new teacher and a new room and there isn't

Much time till GCSEs so please help will I be able to talk to the teachers on the first

Day of school and get me moved or not? Please help.
Reply 1
Original post by Blahxcil
So iam starting year 11 as of i currently speak and
my maths and biology teacher said I was going to move up (maths moved to set 3)
(Science moved up to higher) But when I checked my new timetable for year 11 it
Said the exact same set but with a new teacher and a new room and there isn't
Much time till GCSEs so please help will I be able to talk to the teachers on the first
Day of school and get me moved or not? Please help.

Hey i think you are being over dramatic as there could be errors in the timetable also teachers dont really lie and if they were honest with their word then they will move you up
Reply 2
Original post by random_matt
Set systems still exist in British education? Holy ****, immorality/inequality continues.

wym? I think they're pretty good eg in maths higher sets r doing ad maths fmsq while lower r finishing the gcse course as work is set at a slower pace and they go into more detail to help students understand the topics. it's also easier being with students of the same ability (from someone who's moved from set 3 to 2 to 1)
Original post by shr_ya
wym? I think they're pretty good eg in maths higher sets r doing ad maths fmsq while lower r finishing the gcse course as work is set at a slower pace and they go into more detail to help students understand the topics. it's also easier being with students of the same ability (from someone who's moved from set 3 to 2 to 1)

All kids should be taught the same, that's called equality. Anyone struggling should get extra help, simple really. Too many children at no fault of there own suffer from parental and material deprivation. But yeah, stick them in bottom sets with glass ceilings and concentrate on the other kids. The whole argument of meritocracy is so out of tune, those kids did not earn anything on merit, that **** was supplied by their parents, lucky them. Although, the system will not change because it benefits the one's who obviously benefit, including those who actually create the policies

Rant over, everyone is entitled to their own opinion though. I was just surprised that the system is still in place after more than two decades.
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Reply 4
Original post by IMABUFF
Hey i think you are being over dramatic as there could be errors in the timetable also teachers dont really lie and if they were honest with their word then they will move you up

That comforted me a lot thank you man however last year when I was going into year 10 It showed a different set on my timetable which means there must have not been an error and it is susceptible to change
Original post by random_matt
All kids should be taught the same, that's called equality. Anyone struggling should get extra help, simple really. Too many children at no fault of there own suffer from parental and material deprivation. But yeah, stick them in bottom sets with glass ceilings and concentrate on the other kids. The whole argument of meritocracy is so out of tune, those kids did not earn anything on merit, that **** was supplied by their parents, lucky them. Although, the system will not change because it benefits the one's who obviously benefit, including those who actually create the policies
Rant over, everyone is entitled to their own opinion though. I was just surprised that the system is still in place after more than two decades.

Sets are so helpful in certain subjects. It means the kids who needs more support get it as the teacher can go at a slower pace and focus only on them, and the kids who have better attainment can progress a bit faster and become less bored because they don't have the wait for the teacher to deal with the kids who need support.

The idea that sets don't help the kids who need more support is nonsense. Otherwise, you'd have kids in a class going way too fast for them so they fall behind, and with a teacher who has to spend less time with them because theyve got so many different abilities in one class to deal with.
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Original post by Uni_student3132
Sets are so helpful in certain subjects. It means the kids who needs more support get it as the teacher can go at a slower pace and focus only on them, and the kids who have better attainment can progress a bit faster and become less bored because they don't have the wait for the teacher to deal with the kids who need support.
The idea that sets don't help the kids who need more support is nonsense. Otherwise, you'd have kids in a class going way too fast for them so they fall behind, and with a teacher who has to spend less time with them because theyve got so many different abilities in one class to deal with.

Nope, as I said everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Reply 7
Original post by Blahxcil
So iam starting year 11 as of i currently speak and
my maths and biology teacher said I was going to move up (maths moved to set 3)
(Science moved up to higher) But when I checked my new timetable for year 11 it
Said the exact same set but with a new teacher and a new room and there isn't
Much time till GCSEs so please help will I be able to talk to the teachers on the first
Day of school and get me moved or not? Please help.

Help I get this but dw u should be good if ur teachers r honest atleast. All holidays man every day I've been checking for my skl timetable I need to know if I've moved up in mathshshahaha I cannot wait. I finally checked when last yrs tt came out n it was Sept 1st. Maybe I js have to wait till tmrw aaahahhshs
Original post by random_matt
Nope, as I said everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Its Not an opinion. Studies show that sets do help in certain subjects
Original post by random_matt
All kids should be taught the same, that's called equality. Anyone struggling should get extra help, simple really. Too many children at no fault of there own suffer from parental and material deprivation. But yeah, stick them in bottom sets with glass ceilings and concentrate on the other kids. The whole argument of meritocracy is so out of tune, those kids did not earn anything on merit, that **** was supplied by their parents, lucky them. Although, the system will not change because it benefits the one's who obviously benefit, including those who actually create the policies
Rant over, everyone is entitled to their own opinion though. I was just surprised that the system is still in place after more than two decades.

Two decades? Long befire that ...

have you tried teaching a dyscalculic in the same class as a potential Oxbridge mathematician ... no, I thought not.
Original post by Blahxcil
So iam starting year 11 as of i currently speak and
my maths and biology teacher said I was going to move up (maths moved to set 3)
(Science moved up to higher) But when I checked my new timetable for year 11 it
Said the exact same set but with a new teacher and a new room and there isn't
Much time till GCSEs so please help will I be able to talk to the teachers on the first
Day of school and get me moved or not? Please help.

Go to the HOD and query it politely.
Arguments about the value of setting aside...

I cannot emphasise enough how little what set you are in means at all. The only context in which it really matters is whether you do the foundation or higher tier papers. If you're aiming to do higher tier and your set is being entered for the higher tier paper it doesn't matter if you're in the top set or the n+1 set above foundation tier, you're still doing the correct exam and you still have your own brain to actually study the material with.

Which set I was in has literally never once in my entire life made a single difference in anything.

In fact I would really like to know what the logic behind the claim that which set you are in could "ruin your future" at all?
Original post by Blahxcil
So iam starting year 11 as of i currently speak and
my maths and biology teacher said I was going to move up (maths moved to set 3)
(Science moved up to higher) But when I checked my new timetable for year 11 it
Said the exact same set but with a new teacher and a new room and there isn't
Much time till GCSEs so please help will I be able to talk to the teachers on the first
Day of school and get me moved or not? Please help.

Maybe email your teachers and ask about this? Maybe they forgot to change your class or the timetable has mistakes on it.
Original post by artful_lounger
Arguments about the value of setting aside...
I cannot emphasise enough how little what set you are in means at all. The only context in which it really matters is whether you do the foundation or higher tier papers. If you're aiming to do higher tier and your set is being entered for the higher tier paper it doesn't matter if you're in the top set or the n+1 set above foundation tier, you're still doing the correct exam and you still have your own brain to actually study the material with.
Which set I was in has literally never once in my entire life made a single difference in anything.
In fact I would really like to know what the logic behind the claim that which set you are in could "ruin your future" at all?

If you want to do some degrees you need Maths grade 6 - you can't get that in a Foundation tier paper - of course sets make a diffeence!
Original post by Muttley79
Two decades? Long befire that ...
have you tried teaching a dyscalculic in the same class as a potential Oxbridge mathematician ... no, I thought not.

In Finland and others the practice is banned and yet all students excel academically. Perhaps British education is simply inadequate and fails many children, and just perhaps our teachers are also just not adequate enough. Teachers are the product of a crap system, it is nothing personal and is based on rational logic by comparing other systems from around the world. Again this is an opinion on one side of the debate, people can choose whatever side they want.

One thing I 100% agree with:

'Academic Jo Boaler, an expert on mathematics education, points out, “88% of children placed into sets or streams at age 4 remain in the same groupings until they leave school. This is one of the most chilling statistics I have ever read. The fact that our children’s future is decided for them by the time they are 4 years old derides the work of schools and contravenes basic knowledge about child development and learning.

I could go on and on but I am not going to engage any further. Again, people can make their own judgements.

(edited 2 weeks ago)
Original post by random_matt
In Finland and others the practice is banned and yet all students excel academically. Perhaps British education is simply inadequate and fails many children, and just perhaps our teachers are also just not adequate enough. Teachers are the product of a crap system, it is nothing personal and is based on rational logic by comparing other systems from around the world. Again this is an opinion on one side of the debate, people can choose whatever side they want.
One thing I 100% agree with:
'Academic Jo Boaler, an expert on mathematics education, points out, “88% of children placed into sets or streams at age 4 remain in the same groupings until they leave school. This is one of the most chilling statistics I have ever read. The fact that our children’s future is decided for them by the time they are 4 years old derides the work of schools and contravenes basic knowledge about child development and learning.
I am not going to engage any further.

Jo Boalar has clearly never been near any of the schools I've taught in nor the very many I've supported [over 100].

I note you did not answer my question ... teachers aren't inadequate maybe your arguments are!
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Reply 16
Original post by artful_lounger
Arguments about the value of setting aside...
I cannot emphasise enough how little what set you are in means at all. The only context in which it really matters is whether you do the foundation or higher tier papers. If you're aiming to do higher tier and your set is being entered for the higher tier paper it doesn't matter if you're in the top set or the n+1 set above foundation tier, you're still doing the correct exam and you still have your own brain to actually study the material with.
Which set I was in has literally never once in my entire life made a single difference in anything.
In fact I would really like to know what the logic behind the claim that which set you are in could "ruin your future" at all?

cool so im meant to move up to set 3 and Im still set 4,set 4 being the lowest set 1 being the highest and set 1 and 2 doing higher while set 3 and 4 do foundation and if I have one set of mocks left I can only move one up which is set 3 so I have to be set 3 now so I can move up to set 2 in next set of mocks.
Reply 17
Original post by DerDracologe
Maybe email your teachers and ask about this? Maybe they forgot to change your class or the timetable has mistakes on it.

They aren't replying man
Original post by Blahxcil
They aren't replying man

That’s unfortunate. Are you back at school yet? If so then ask a member of staff about this directly, preferably a head or department or someone involved in timetabling. If not then wait until you return to school, it might be that who you’re emailing isnt checking their inbox whilst it’s not term time so they may sort the issue out once term starts.
Original post by Blahxcil
cool so im meant to move up to set 3 and Im still set 4,set 4 being the lowest set 1 being the highest and set 1 and 2 doing higher while set 3 and 4 do foundation and if I have one set of mocks left I can only move one up which is set 3 so I have to be set 3 now so I can move up to set 2 in next set of mocks.

Just discuss it with your teacher when you get the chance.

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