The Student Room Group

OCR English Literature America 1880s-1940s help

Hi! I was wondering if anybody here had any advice or resources for the OCR English Literature (A level) America 1880s - 1940s topic. My class has studied the Great Gatsby, and will be studying Native son in year 13, but I'm extremely confused about what else I'm meant to study. Any key history? Literary movements? Other texts? What on earth is a critical appreciation? What am I doing????

My teachers have been a tad bit useless at actually explaining what we're meant to do (and *cough cough* teaching *cough* any sort of extract practice*cough cough*) so if anyone has any useful resources or areas to study, please let me know. On top of that, I feel like this option is fairly obscure (I wish we did gothic so bad) so it's hard to find resources online.

Thank you! :]

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