The Student Room Group

How to Prepare for first year of pharmacy without having done A-level Biology

I will attend the University of Manchester this upcoming academic year where I will start a Pharmacy course. Does anyone have any advice for how to prepare without having done biology as lots of people have said it's going to be really hard not having done the A-level. Also, does anyone know if the first year counts towards your final grade? Thanks loads!
Reply 1
Original post by kasraroshani
I will attend the University of Manchester this upcoming academic year where I will start a Pharmacy course. Does anyone have any advice for how to prepare without having done biology as lots of people have said it's going to be really hard not having done the A-level. Also, does anyone know if the first year counts towards your final grade? Thanks loads!

Have u done chemistry? I believe it might be more of that than biology.
Reply 2
Hi! I'm also gonna be coming to Manchester this year for the mPharm course. As the previous poster said, I do think that chemistry would be the more important subject since that's the one they require in the entry requirements whereas biology can be replaced by maths. I also remember watching one of Phedra Dee's (a student studying pharmacy, though at kcl instead of manchester) videos where she said that pharmacy was really chemistry focused to the point where she could have conversations with chem majors and she also mentioned some of the topics that are major points of focus in pharmacy (of course take this with a grain of salt since she studies at a different uni but I'm sure there'll be some overlapping topics) so you could try watching that video.

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