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AUGUST 31ST*1939
Thoughts of marriage clouded his mind, just*knowing that he may get the chance to spend the*rest of his life with this woman was more than*enough, yet he longed for that kiss on that beautiful*day. It would be fully kitted out with white drapes*and a polished wooden floor, not too many flowers*but enough to satisfy Lili’s wants. All his friends*from the war would be there, or all that were left*many had been murdered by those careless
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imperialists. There would be empty seats to*commemorate his fallen comrades properly. His*bride would wear a beautiful twenty-two karat rose-gold ring that he himself would craft, it would be*home to an opal, her favourite. As the day rode on*the guests would leave and the two would sit and*listen to a string quartet and watch the sunset until*she fell asleep on his chest. Their lives would draw*to a close happily.
August 31st marked the day Lili had ventured into*Germany for work. Or so he thought. In reality, she*had been kidnapped by the SA and was being*inducted into the SS. She had been brutally beaten,*cut, slashed, shot at and stabbed by the black*uniforms that took her. This kidnapping was not*however as perfect as they had hoped, the bed*sheets had been covered in crimson, the walls had*been scratched and paint was peeling as a result of*it, the bed sheets had been strewn on the floor and*pillows on the cabinets. Their cupboard had been*knocked over in the tassel and clothes and slats*were all over the floor. A chair had been dismantled*and used to beat her. Their lamp: smashed, glass*littered the floor and most of the pieces wore blood.*The men that took her had left a picture of them*holding her, knife to the neck and gun pointed at*her chest. The picture featured many deep slices on*her body and a stream of pain ran down her ripped*shirt, and seemingly thousands of bruises covered*her body. A picture on the wall had been smashed*and the walls had “Heil Hitler” graffitied on them.
Levi, missing any sign from his wife waiting on the*driveway, burst through the doors. Sprinted up the*stairs whilst also trying to not make too many
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creaks or noises in case they had been found. He felt*around the floor for a few seconds before finding a*crevice, he pulled up the satin carpet and found a*small box, he opened it with caution and pulled out*his Luger P08 and made a light tug on the firing pin.*He also pulled a stick grenade, he had kept from the*war, out of the box and readied it. The door*slammed open, and he thundered through, gun at*his hips side, stick in the other hand. Looking*around at his demolished room, he pieced together*the events that had ensued.
“Nazi *******s, they will ******* die when I find*her” he muttered. No more words held the capability*to be formed when he found the photo.
September 1st,*1939
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Levi went through the next day normally.
He awoke at 6 o’ clock on the dot and stayed there*for the next ten minutes reminiscing on how his day*would be used. He knew this non-Lili routine very*well as she was not always there when he woke up,*Levi poured some water onto his face, soaking his*bed in the process. He, today, had to use all his*might just to push himself up and out of their warm,*cozy bed. He struggled over to his door to grab a*towel to dry his face before going to the bathroom to*shower and brush his not-so-pearly whites. After*this he trudged over to his wardrobe to grab his*finest suit, this, however, did not include a waistcoat*today as his just so happened to be stained red. Levi*flung open his door and forced himself to put a bit of*hop into his stride in hopes that it would increase*his mood. Skipping breakfast was the only viable*option today, being late did not sit well with his*boss. He opened the doors to his brand-new*Volkswagen and randomly spun the radio knob, it*landed on a frequency he had not heard before, after*a minute of trying to fine tune the song, “Lili*Marlene” was able to be recognised. He hummed the*songs all the way to the office. Levi arrived around*6:45. Having had set up his desk for the day, Levi*had forgotten about his meeting with a new client,*Levi worked for*Becker and Becker Law firm. By*lunch Levi had been able to brush the last nights*events from his mind because of the 4 meetings he*had somehow endured. * * * * * * *
By the time he had finished work and driven home,*the SS had returned a scarred and beaten Lili. Levi,*still somewhat scared of who could be in his house,*stumbled through the front door and as soon as he
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walked in, his eyes flooded and he broke down on*the spot. He trekked up the stairs, but noticed his*door was slightly ajar. This was unusual as he was*sure he had closed it when he left for work that*morning. He had forgotten to put his pistol back*into the lock box last night as well as his grenade so*he had no protection. He showing no signs of fear*bounded into the room and started shouting*whatever noises he could make. His vain effort*however came to no avail as there was no intruders*in his home at all. Instead his soon to be fiancé was*sat on their bed pondering over the events that she*had been through. Lili’s head snapped to the side*almost robotically. *
Her face: scarred with fear, her hair had more*dandruff than normal, the roots * with blood. Her*hair had also been cut to shoulder length. Her eyes*didn’t look at Levi but looked as if they looked*through him, he had read upon the thousand-yard*stare and symptoms of PTSD, but he never really*bought into it. Her left ear had a chunk missing,*probably from the initial assault and her nose,*greasy and had bite marks on. There was, on one of*her wrists the number “3-1-2-2-7”. Her lips had been*cut and one of them was stained with blood, the*other had a scarring slice.
She had covered herself with their silk duvet so he*could not see her clothes but he presumed they were*the same as in the picture he had found the night*before.
“Hey,” she murmured not diverting her gaze from*him for even a split second “come lay down, you look*uneasy”
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“Where did you disappear to last night?” Levi*questioned with a perplexed expression.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, I told you,*I went on a work trip.”
“So, what is this then?” Levi pulled up the picture of*her and the men in black uniform.
“Oh, I- I can explain” she started, cheeks red, eyes*darting around the room as if she was looking for an*escape.
“Please do.”
Lili looked around for a few more seconds before*sighing and explained “Look, they found us, but I*have made it better, I said I would join them in*exchange for our lives…”
“Look, our lives may change but at least we are*safe.”
“Yeah, I guess you are right,” he chuckled “as*always.”
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AUGUST 31ST*1952
As the first light of dawn crept in to the damp*barracks, a fleeting wave of morning hope brushed*against the harsh reality of their unchanging fate,*reminding them that even is this darkness, the mere*act of surviving was a defiant act of its own. Levi*had to make sure he was up before guards annexed*their compounds; this was so that Lili could deliver*his care package that was his extra portions. *
The barracks had been transformed into a shithole*even compared to the 1940’s standards, this was one*of Fuhrer Heinrich Himmler's adjustments. The new*models comprised of small apple boxes and war-torn*pig troughs as their desks, the area Levi resided in*had an apple box with a few bones and severed body
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parts on; every comrade who died here was*commemorated somehow. The walls had no colour,*except for the occasional dot of blood, the western*wall was home to a single window and one painting*of the Fuhrer. The most northern wall housed an*automatic door. The door was glass, Levi and his cell*mates had no privacy; no basic rights for that*matter. The eastern wall displayed... Nothing, the*eastern and southern walls were completely*whitewashed, no blood, no scratches, not even a*stain, this came as a result of the Kapo’s cell*immediately southbound and the Tätowierer*immediately eastbound. The bunks were the size of*floorboards yet homed 6-7 people Levi personally*slept on the floor. The flooring and ceiling were both*flat, white with a star of David encompassed by a*General Prohibit Sign, this was the strongest and*most obvious form of antisemitism in the cell. *
Levi awoke feeling more starved than the day*before, this, he found, was a common theme.