The Student Room Group

Dissertation Project about Water Management in Barcelona

Hey everyone,

I’m Nikki, a master's student at Northumbria University. I’m currently working on a research project about water management and drought resilience in Barcelona. As part of my research, I’m investigating how cities like Barcelona can better prepare for and manage the increasing threat of drought due to climate change.

Why should you care? 🌍

Whether you're an environmental science student, a visitor to Barcelona, or someone who cares about sustainability, your insights can make a difference! Barcelona is facing significant challenges in managing its water resources, and I believe that gathering opinions from people like you can help shape the solutions that will be implemented.

Got 5 minutes?

It’s a quick and easy questionnaire that will take you just about 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain completely anonymous, and your input will be invaluable in ensuring that the solutions I propose are practical and effective.


Let’s start a discussion! 💬

What are the biggest challenges cities face when it comes to water management? How can we encourage more sustainable water use in urban areas? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences—whether you’re in Barcelona or anywhere else in the world.

Thanks a lot for your time, and I look forward to your thoughts!
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I requested the thread to be moved from the chat section as there is a specific section to post student surveys and research (as you'll see now). You can always report your thread under posting help, and ask it to be moved.
(edited 1 week ago)

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