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I forgot to cite a table for my dissertation for my AP

Hello folks.

So , as per the title. I have forgotten to cite a table that I have copied verbatim from a website (link : ) . This table contains the list of longevity swap deals that have occurred recently , in 2023 as well as 2024, and I have written it as part of my dissertation project while I was at Imperial Business school under the Risk Management and Financial Engineering masters under their finance suite.

So bellow is how I included the table into my report:
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Namely I copied several rows off the table from the website without citing the link in the post using Havard citation. I think I have committed accidental plagiarism because of this.

I have already emailed the programme team about this just now, but I believe that they will not be replying until tomorrow as it is a Sunday.

Can someone kindly advise on this matter?
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Can anyone advise? I have emailed the program team and am awaiting their reply about this.
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