The Student Room Group

So tired of not being good looking / being weird looking

I wear glasses and have something wrong with my eye also now I am older my hair is receding. I feel like I have been made fun of my whole life. I hate having my photo taken and looking in the mirror. So much so that I avoid going travelling because of the passsport photo and the control bits also I hate having my hair cut etc also I don’t have any friends or ever get laid I am a guy also I kind of feel like frustrated that something I don’t have any control over had had such a bad effect on my life.
Reply 1
Sorry to hear you’re feeling this way. I’ve thought how lucky attractive people are as it does seem to make life easier. However I think you need to be a good bit above average for things to land on your plate and that only applies to the minority. Everyone else has to work hard for it. So it’s about playing to your strengths, doing what you can on weakness and keeping positive. If you do this things generally will work out ok
Reply 2
Yeah looks are very important in life. Nothing you can do about it, good-looking people were born with better genetics. You have to accept it
Of course you have control over this, by not letting it rule your life! Plenty of people wear glasses and have eye problems, or scars or teeth that aren't straight, so what? When my parents married it was knowing that my dad had a chronic illness. Another family member has a very obvious disability that has stunted their growth, but it hasn't stopped them attending uni, being awarded an MBE and getting married.

A passport photo is a 1" square that spends most of its time in your bag/pocket. It's looked at for mere seconds. Passport Control aren't analysing your face other than to see if it matches your pic, then they move on to the next person; they don't care about your looks.

Travel, do sport, volunteer, go to concerts and exhibitions, do hobbies and meet people. Nothing is stopping you except your mindset.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
Of course you have control over this, by not letting it rule your life! Plenty of people wear glasses and have eye problems, or scars or teeth that aren't straight, so what? When my parents married it was knowing that my dad had a chronic illness. Another family member has a very obvious disability that has stunted their growth, but it hasn't stopped them attending uni, being awarded an MBE and getting married.
A passport photo is a 1" square that spends most of its time in your bag/pocket. It's looked at for mere seconds. Passport Control aren't analysing your face other than to see if it matches your pic, then they move on to the next person; they don't care about your looks.
Travel, do sport, volunteer, go to concerts and exhibitions, do hobbies and meet people. Nothing is stopping you except your mindset.

People care about your looks. Looks are actually what people care the most. That's why people don't go around with old clothes, girls use make up, guys go to the gym. If you're too ugly even the passport people and the shop cashiers will make jokes on you and laugh at you, like this guy
there are plenty of guys who are challenged in the appearance department but who enjoy plenty of lady action. learn to feel positive about yourself and the romance tap will start gushing.

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