The Student Room Group

UK student Visa

Hi, I just applied for my Visa for my undergraduate studies at university if bath. I completed my application and got a checklist which did not mention any A level qualification. My CAS mentioned the qualifications I used to get into university. Bath is a university with track record of compliance. My question is Did I need to present my A level qualification (which the university already has) or I am good for the visa? A prompt reply will be appreciated. Thank you
If it’s not listed on the checklist you don’t need to show it. Depending on your home country, they might ask you to show a financial statement apart from your passport. I took A Levels so it was confirmed through UCAS, not too sure if it’ll be different if you have another qualification, but I don’t think you need to worry about it if it’s not on the checklist :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by hay.hay0311
If it’s not listed on the checklist you don’t need to show it. Depending on your home country, they might ask you to show a financial statement apart from your passport. I took A Levels so it was confirmed through UCAS, not too sure if it’ll be different if you have another qualification, but I don’t think you need to worry about it if it’s not on the checklist :smile:

I looked it up. It said for students applying at degree level, you do not need certification. Thank you. Same as u btw
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Original post by afraz ahmed
I looked it up. It said for students applying at degree level, you do not need certification. Thank you. Same as u btw

Hope it all goes well with your visa application. We might bump into each other at Bath 🤗
Reply 4
Original post by hay.hay0311
Hope it all goes well with your visa application. We might bump into each other at Bath 🤗


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