The Student Room Group

Sixth Form Rejection or No?

I had an interview after receiving a conditional offer for sixth form I applied to. I chose Applied Science and Health and Social Care, but I did not meet the grade requirement for Government and Politics, which needs a grade 6 in Geography(which I later found out on the school website).I was informed that I would receive a call on the same day if I was successful, but I did not receive one. With the academic year starting soon, could you let me know if my application was unsuccessful or if I am on a waiting list or delay in communication????
Original post by sabrinaaaa2
I had an interview after receiving a conditional offer for sixth form I applied to. I chose Applied Science and Health and Social Care, but I did not meet the grade requirement for Government and Politics, which needs a grade 6 in Geography(which I later found out on the school website).I was informed that I would receive a call on the same day if I was successful, but I did not receive one. With the academic year starting soon, could you let me know if my application was unsuccessful or if I am on a waiting list or delay in communication????

You're question is best directed at the sixth form in question, rather than a bunch of random strangers on the internet.

(Also, I've moved your thread from the Medical Schools forum to the Secondary school, sixth form and FE college forum, which seems more appropriate.)
Reply 2
Original post by sabrinaaaa2
I had an interview after receiving a conditional offer for sixth form I applied to. I chose Applied Science and Health and Social Care, but I did not meet the grade requirement for Government and Politics, which needs a grade 6 in Geography(which I later found out on the school website).I was informed that I would receive a call on the same day if I was successful, but I did not receive one. With the academic year starting soon, could you let me know if my application was unsuccessful or if I am on a waiting list or delay in communication????

U should either call them or go in directly my friend went in directly cus her sixth form wasn’t answering her emails
Original post by sabrinaaaa2
I had an interview after receiving a conditional offer for sixth form I applied to. I chose Applied Science and Health and Social Care, but I did not meet the grade requirement for Government and Politics, which needs a grade 6 in Geography(which I later found out on the school website).I was informed that I would receive a call on the same day if I was successful, but I did not receive one. With the academic year starting soon, could you let me know if my application was unsuccessful or if I am on a waiting list or delay in communication????

Definitely call or email the sixth form and ask them if you have a place. Also look at some other options and see if there are places anywhere else for you.

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