The Student Room Group

Any advice from those who have just finished year 13

How can I enhance my cv for degree apprenticeships?
Should I apply to uni as-well as a degree apprenticeship?
When should I start revising if mocks are in November/February?

How to balance revision,homework and UCAS?

How to take care of your mental health and not burn out from exam stress/pressure
Should I apply to uni as-well as a degree apprenticeship?
I'm assuming you are interested in both?
Reply 2
Should I apply to uni as-well as a degree apprenticeship?
I'm assuming you are interested in both?

I’m only interested in apprenticeships but my college keeps pressuring me to keep my options open (I feel like uni is useless but should I apply in case I change my mind)?
Original post by Harrison hawe
I’m only interested in apprenticeships but my college keeps pressuring me to keep my options open (I feel like uni is useless but should I apply in case I change my mind)?

Oh. University is expensive so only go if you are really committed. But I would research your options first.
I am currently in my gap year and am focusing on UCAS now, which is also an option.
(edited 5 months ago)

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