My daughter wants to have her Art GCSE remarked due to the difference in her scores and mock prior to the exam. The school exam officer has said to do this all the students would have to be remarked. The exam board is AQA. Is this true?
My daughter wants to have her Art GCSE remarked due to the difference in her scores and mock prior to the exam. The school exam officer has said to do this all the students would have to be remarked. The exam board is AQA. Is this true?
AQA GCSE Art is assessed by a portfolio of work marked by the school and moderated by AQA and Non-exam assessment (NEA) set by AQA; marked by the school/college and moderated by AQA during a visit. Her initial mark would be given by the school and that would have been the time to challenge/review the marks and grade that they awarded. Moderation by AQA means they look at samples of marked work for several candidates to determine if the school is marking to the standards required. If AQA are not happy with school marking standards they might increase or decrease the marks for all candidates in the school. If AQA moderate all candidate marks down the school can request a remoderation with any change applying to all of their candidates. It is not possible to get the work of a single candidate remarked by AQA.