Push-pulls. Whenever you give her a compliment, straight away say something to balance it out. EG "I admire your confidence, but sometimes you're more abrasive than wet 'n dry." Do this particularly in response to one of her negative comments.
When she says something negative about you, agree and exaggerate. Preferably in a way that makes what she said looks stupid. EG "Yeah, my nose is big. It's so big that the Royal Navy use it as an aircraft carrier landing strip every time I do the backstroke on holiday."
Disagree and exaggerate. "Nah, my nose is in perfect proportion to the rest of my face. Just because your nose is so small that you look like a Japanese anime character, doesn't mean to say your perspective on this is the One True Path."
Ignore what she said and act as if she never said it and just say whatever you want to talk about.
Supernanny. Give her a clear warning looking into her eyes the first time she makes a comment at your expense. Something like "Timeout! What's with the negativity directed at me? That's not on. If you do it again I'm outta here." 2nd time she does it, you probably won't be able to put her on the naughty step. What you can do is to walk away with a "I'm not going to sit here and take your ****!"
Last reply 1 week ago
Has anyone had their student finance paid into their partners or parents bank?Last reply 1 week ago
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will you be attending the john locke 2024 award ceremony???