The Student Room Group

Sociology A Level okay?

Hi guys, I'm thinking of switching sixth forms back to my original school. Maths and Chemistry are definitive A-Levels I want to do but sociology and biology are the only other options available if I go back... and I HATE biology. Is doing sociology alright? I looked at all my prospective universities' websites and they all state they want Maths and a science (Sometimes chemistry/physics specifically) for engineering fields. If I stick with the school I'm in right now I'd be doing physics. But honestly, I'd rather go back. Anyways, my question: is sociology A Level okay or will it put me at a disadvantage with universities like Russell group?
My sister says I shouldn't be doing sociology since physics ties in better; she wants me to stay at this school. She also kind of perceives it as a "dumb" subject. My GCSE grades are 999 999 998 (the 8 in Lang) if it matters.
Where Unis only specify two A level subjects - and dont say anything about the other subject such as 'x is preferred' - the other subject can literally be anything, all they are interested in is the grade. So it makes sense to pick a subject you will enjoy studying and where you feel confident of a good grade. Sociology is a well respected essay-based subject, and will definitely not disadvantage your application.
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
Where Unis only specify two A level subjects - and dont say anything about the other subject such as 'x is preferred' - the other subject can literally be anything, all they are interested in is the grade. So it makes sense to pick a subject you will enjoy studying and where you feel confident of a good grade. Sociology is a well respected essay-based subject, and will definitely not disadvantage your application.

thank you very much McGinger!

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