Guys I’m actually so upset and beating myself over this. But basically I applied for a sainsbury online assistant job and they had replied within an hour for a job interview which is normal but the interview slots were all early early in the morning like 4am to 6am which raised flags to be honest. I ended up booking the one at 5:45 today since that seemed okay to me but I knew I would have a lot of trouble waking up and I would completely sleep through it. Also anytime I told someone my interview was at 5:45 they would be like omg that’s insane why would they ask you to go in so early. By the way luv you Sainsbury’s if you read this. But anyways I decided I was not going to go to sleep since I’m skilled at not going to sleep early but omg I could not keeep my eyes open around 3am I was so bloody tired and I only had an hour left till I had to get ready. But I decided that I would have a nap so I set numerous alarms to wake me up but they never did and I woke up at 9am. I literally shot out of bed and was like **** no way did I miss my first interview. I ACTUALLY started crying because if I got up instead of having a nap I could of had the interview. But anyways I called the number they provided and apologised and asked if there was anyway to get a reschedule. They told me they would ask the interviewer if he has any interview slots left but I have not heard back and I know for a fact they will not call back escpecially because I told them the reason I missed it was because I slept through. Anyways I emailed just now asking to reschedule and apologised so much so I’m hoping they will maybe email back even if they say no. It’s just a shame because this would of been my first job interview and I messed it up. But I have realised also that it is not the end of the world and I will find another job even though I don’t really need one right right now. I have applied to numerous other places and they usually take a week to respond tho but that’s okay I’ll wait. Anyways just wanted to know on a scale of one to ten how likely are they to let me reschedule an interview even if I don’t get the job.