The Student Room Group

Accelerated degree primary educatiom

Hi I'm wondering if anyone has done the Huddersfield accelerated degree in primary education and could give me an idea of what the time table looks like ? How many days in uni per week, do you get holidays? I can't find much about it.
Hi Emily,
Thank you for your interest, we can't give out an exact timetable but I used to work in the faculty/academic school that ran that course and had good working relationships with a couple students on that course.

From my knowledge, it is an intensive course- you will complete a minimum of 70 hours of placement in first year and 120 in your second year. You are also squeezing a three year degree into two years so your timetable on weekdays is typically quite full and reflective of working in a school for a few weeks of each term then more modules condensed into the week. You will most likely be on campus Mon-Fri.

Gaps between terms are also shorter as a result of this- while the majority of students will finish study in May and return in September, often students on this course will continue to have classes until June/July time.

Please let me know if you have any more questions about the course 😀

Social media and content officer, University of Huddersfield

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