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Media studies survey 2024

Hi! For my media studies coursework I need to make a survey and ask some people but I don't actually know enough people to do it so it would be really helpful if anyone could answer the questions.

1. How old are you?
2. What is your gender?
3. What is your favourite movie genre?
4. Do you like horror movies?
5. What is your favourite aspects of a horror movie?
6. What is your least favourite aspects of a horror movie?
7. Does the actors in a movie influence if you watch it or not?
8. How often do you watch horror movies?
9. How often do you watch movies?
10. Do you like reviews of the movie on the main poster?
11. What is your favourite horror movie poster?
12. What is your favourite horror movie DVD cover?
13. Do you prefer movie posters/ Dvd covers with a clear to read font for the title?
14. Do you like seeing images of the antagonist of the movie on the main poster?
15. Do you like seeing images of the antagonist of the movie on the DVD cover?

Thanks :smile:
sure! i hope this is enough for you :smile:

1. 20
2. female
3. psychological thrillers !
4. yes but not when there are too many jumpscares :biggrin:
5. the suspense, potential for plot twists, the characters trying to figure out what to do and exploring group dynamics if the main characters are a group of friends/strangers.
6. when it's overly gory or too focused on jumpscares/shock value. i prefer when it's creepy/unsettling.
7. sometimes, i think some actors are just picked to tailor to the market though.
8. not too often, i prefer to watch them with my friends when we can get together.
9.somewhat often,
10. i dont pay much attention to them, but key words such as 'tense' etc are good to catch attention.
11. it chapter 2 - its simple and creepy !
12. probably the same as above !
13. i like them when they're simple and not seemingly too overly dramatised. as long as it's clear and matches the energy of the movie then its good.
14.yeah! it adds an element on intrigue for the viewer :smile:
15. same as above !
Original post by okayykayy
sure! i hope this is enough for you :smile:
1. 20
2. female
3. psychological thrillers !
4. yes but not when there are too many jumpscares :biggrin:
5. the suspense, potential for plot twists, the characters trying to figure out what to do and exploring group dynamics if the main characters are a group of friends/strangers.
6. when it's overly gory or too focused on jumpscares/shock value. i prefer when it's creepy/unsettling.
7. sometimes, i think some actors are just picked to tailor to the market though.
8. not too often, i prefer to watch them with my friends when we can get together.
9.somewhat often,
10. i dont pay much attention to them, but key words such as 'tense' etc are good to catch attention.
11. it chapter 2 - its simple and creepy !
12. probably the same as above !
13. i like them when they're simple and not seemingly too overly dramatised. as long as it's clear and matches the energy of the movie then its good.
14.yeah! it adds an element on intrigue for the viewer :smile:
15. same as above !

Thanks sm for answering this is really helpful :smile:

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