The Student Room Group

Is it too late to change sixth forms ?

I just started sixth form and I don't like it, the general atmosphere + its too restricting and feels kinda isolating / boring especially as they do not let us leave during frees and are making us do things we dont want such as PE. it is also far from where I live and we have form time so we have to come in really early, u get detentions if u don't they are really strict. i never liked it on induction either but only picked because people I knew were telling me it had a good education and that i would be wasting my grades by going to any other school. but now ive realised after my first day I do not like it and will hate it in 2 years.
Theres a bigger school more college type thats closer to me and doesnt have as high grades as that school but i liked the vibe of it much more and would feel happier there. Im going to give this school 2 more days and if I dont like it, would it be too late to switch ?
email the school and see what theyll say

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