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Cambridge engineering 4 A-levels

Hello, I am currently in year 12 studying double maths, physics, and product design. As I plan on applying to Cambridge for engineering, should I keep product design as a 4th in year 13? Or should I swap product design for chemistry due to the workload that comes with the coursework?
What type of engineering
Original post by Anonymous
What type of engineering

Cambridge does the early few years as more general engineering and then then the choice is given to specialise into a field of engineering. I would hopefully like to do aero.
Which subject do you prefer?
Original post by DerDracologe
Which subject do you prefer?

I definitely prefer product design I'm just worried about the workload as it may eat up all my time in free periods which I will need to revise for other subjects
Original post by Anonymous
Hello, I am currently in year 12 studying double maths, physics, and product design. As I plan on applying to Cambridge for engineering, should I keep product design as a 4th in year 13? Or should I swap product design for chemistry due to the workload that comes with the coursework?

I do maths, further maths, physics and product design! Going into year 13! Honestly it’s not too bad but don’t procrastinate and keep on top of your work. I have managed fine the last year without any frees and am predicted 4A*s. Product design is also my favourite a level and if you say you enjoy it just keep doing it. Honestly even if it takes up a little extra of your time it’s better to do something you enjoy and are passionate about.
Original post by Anonymous
I do maths, further maths, physics and product design! Going into year 13! Honestly it’s not too bad but don’t procrastinate and keep on top of your work. I have managed fine the last year without any frees and am predicted 4A*s. Product design is also my favourite a level and if you say you enjoy it just keep doing it. Honestly even if it takes up a little extra of your time it’s better to do something you enjoy and are passionate about.

Thanks for the insight. This is what I wanted to hear.

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