The Student Room Group

Y11 Tips

what tips would you give to a y11 student at the start of the year and any advice for throughout the year?
Make sure to do lots of practice questions. When you do them make sure you’re taking time to plan them fully- you can even look at notes or search things up for this because that will help you revise! Then write your answer in timed conditions, this will give you an idea of whether you’ve planned enough content, too much content etc. Once you’ve written it out fully then you should mark in yourself using the mark scheme and maybe some model answers if you have them. This will familiarise you with the mark scheme which is good for allowing you to know what to improve on in future. Also maybe get your teacher to check over it to see if they can give their own feedback.
Make yourself a revision plan that works for you and stick to it. It might be hard to make one that works (I only figured out what works for me in march of y11!) but once you’ve found something then stick to it! Closer to exams or mocks write the dates on the schedule on then make sure to fit in everything you need to do!
Make and find resources early because you will thank yourself for this during exam season!
Hope this helps and happy to try to answer any questions you might have about year 11 :smile:

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