Bro i get u i just started y11 too. im going for an average grade of 7 in all my subjects, as in if i get a 9 in something, i have the space to get a 5 in another subject. im not sure tho cos my current grades (wont specify subjects) are [8,7,6,7,6,4,4], so my current average is a 6, and my expected grades are [9,9,8,8,7,6,6] which makes my expected average a 7.6. based on how much i know myself and my progress in previous years, im guessing i would get [9,9,8,8,6,5,4] which averages to a 7, but i still want to aim for higher than that to be safe. But that quite a lot to ask of myself and i am usually bad at coursework so that has the ability to bring my grade down.