I'm about to start year 13 and i'm really not feeling great. I won't go into too much detail but essentially i have no motivation or want to do anything and everything feels a bit pointless etc etc.
I tried counselling last year through college (for the second time, the first time being with CAMHS a few years ago) but i stopped after a few sessions after my counselor asked me if i wanted to continue because i seemed anxious/uncomfortable and because i couldn't tell her exactly what i wanted to get out of counselling so she wasn't sure how to help me (she didn't mention this part when she asked me about continuing but she had asked me about it a couple times before.)
I don't think i looked especially uncomfortable (probably the normal amount for someone telling a stranger about their problems) and i was still very open with her about stuff so i'm not sure if that should've been an issue.
Anyway, i don't really know what else to do at the minute so i was thinking about trying counselling again but i don't know if i would just have the same problem this time. I still don't know what exactly i want to get out of it (in words) because i'm aware someone can't magically make me better but i really don't know what else i'm supposed to do. Maybe i just want advice? Maybe i just want someone to know how i feel? (idk i just could've sworn people were supposed to talk about their problems) But then i don't know what advice someone could give me.
So if anyone has any advice on how i can get the most out of counselling and actually make it work for myself that would be great. Or on what i could do instead to feel less awful if counselling just isn't for me
