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Uni has unilaterally changed my disseration supervisor twice: Is this acceptable?

So, I'm at the final stage of my MA dissertation at a mid-level English uni. This uni, like many others in the UK right now, is restructuring and asking professors to leave to cut costs. Mid-summer, they changed my supervisor without any real notice. I had one last meeting with my initial supervisor who confirmed they were leaving because of the budget issues. I then had one meeting with my next supervisor and then early August this person reviewed my MA draft. This person was supposed to return this week from holiday, but now they are on 'extended leave'. I asked the department whether this was because of the uni's problems and they said it was unrelated. I doubt that. I've been about 95% finished since the feedback I received on my draft and been waiting almost entire month for them to return and now this happens.

From my understanding, university's supervisor is the 2nd grader, not the primary one. This gives the student a supportive grader who has walked you through the dissertation journey and has a good idea of what it is you are trying to argue. Also, I'm on a distinction currently, I need a distinction on this dissertation to graduate with this honour.

Now, without those 2 supervisors, the first who I worked with extensively and did 2 modules with, and the second who I did one module with and who gave me feedback on my draft, I fear my draft won't get a fair reading in relation to other students who maintained their initial supervisors.

Do I have grounds for a complaint or taking further action?
(edited 2 weeks ago)
Even absent a financial crisis, a university might lose staff for any number of reasons. At present, you have not suffered any measurable disadvantage. If the outcome of your dissertation is not as you think it should have been, for reasons which you consider are not attributable to you, maybe seek a remark or other remedy at that point. Perhaps before then you could talk to someone senior in your Faculty and explain that you are concerned about the possible impact of staff changes, and ask the university to bear the effect of such changes in mind (which it will hopefully do in any event).
Original post by threeportdrift
Take a quick check of your entitlement here. You are doing an MA dissertation, it's a 15-205,000 word essay, in a subject of you own choice, and you've got grants, subsidies and discounts left, right and centre of you. Meanwhile, one person has been made redundant and another has a major life-issue stopping them from working. You aren't toe person with the biggest problem's here. Maybe don't rely on your Supervisors so much? Do your own research? Realise life is imperfect?

Well said. The words "First World Problem" come to mind.
Just to agree that the lack of continuity and perhaps some feedback is frustrating yes, but ultimately unavoidable and not any real grounds for a complaint.

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