The Student Room Group

5 minute teaching

Hi! I am currently training as a union learning rep and need to create a 5 minute teaching session.What kind of things could you teach in 5 minutes? 🤷🏼*♀️
Original post by Moni1lov
Hi! I am currently training as a union learning rep and need to create a 5 minute teaching session.What kind of things could you teach in 5 minutes? 🤷🏼*♀️

Hey, Just a couple of ideas. (Not a Union Learning Rep so take with a pinch of salt)

1)The Benefits of life-long learning
You could highlight the importance of lifelong learning in staying competitive in the workforce and advancing their careers. You could share a personal example or a union success story where continuous learning helped someone progress in their career.

2)How to build confidence as an adult worker
From personal experience, My dad is a union worker, some of the older generation don't access the courses/workshops that a union offers due to feeling anxious or out of practice with learning. so maybe discuss how union-supported learning is tailored for adults with busy lives, and often includes flexible, supportive environments. You could encourage members to start with a short, accessible course or workshop, and assure them that their union is there to support them every step of the way.

3)How to set SMART goals
You could start with explaining what SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals are and why they are a good thing to have. Then provide an example and break it down, make the lesson interactive and get the people you are teaching to chime in with what they think. Then encourage them to think about one personal or professional goal using the SMART method.

Hope these may have helped a bit.

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